Orthopedics/plastic surgery, ENT, Dendistry:Camera system for surgical microscope

The surgical microscope camera system combines a high-resolution camera developed for medical imaging plus a high-definition monitor and recorder. These can capture clear images during surgery, record the images and replay them for routine viewing, conference presentation or academic education.
Ikegami Tsushinki proposes video equipment and video systems that meet customer requirements.

Solving the problems
of surgical microscope camera systems

  • 1Shooting and capturing clear videos and still images for conference presentations
  • 2Need a camera that can take clear images regardless of the case, such as the anterior segment and the fundus

for surgical microscope camera systems

System example 1

4K camera system

4K camera system

A high-end system equipped with a 4K camera and 4K monitor.

System example 2

HD camera system

HD camera system

A camera system equipped with a full HD camera and monitor.



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