Efforts to combat global warming

(1) Utilization of renewable energy

In November 2022 we installed solar power generation equipment at the Product Center in Utsunomiya City.

The solar power generation facilities generate 330,000 kWh annually, all of which is consumed onsite.

Approximately 25% of the electricity used at the Product Center is generated, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 144 t/year.

(2) Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

We are upgrading to LED lighting and high-efficiency air conditioners to reduce CO2emissions.

At the head office, we changed to LED lighting and high-efficiency air conditioning in the seismic retrofitting work completed in September 2021.

By January 2023, all lighting in the Product Center will be replaced with LED lighting and we will gradually switch over.

(3) Consideration for biodiversity

Preservation activities of Fujisawa killifish

In consideration of the conservation of biodiversity, we protect and breed specific Fujisawa killifish on the premises of the System Center in Fujisawa City. Fujisawa killifish are listed as an endangered species by the Ministry of the Environment.